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Whether your budget is limited or your resources are flexible, we take the care and time to treat each book and author as though you are family.
Once your book is published, the world needs to know it’s here. Our distribution chain not only circulates your book throughout the U.S., your book will be available in South America, the U.K., the E.U., Asia, Africa, Canada, Australia and Japan. Our fully functional marketing and branding team will ensure added value for every dollar spent.
Publishing Made Easy
There was a time that publishing a book was as complex as buying a house. Now book publishing can be as simple as shopping for furniture on line. The most difficult part in publishing a book is access to someone who can help you with the questions you don’t know to ask. We won’t assume you know all the answers, we understand that you trust us to be the experts who care enough to remember what it felt like to be a new author. Our team will make book publishing easy and affordable without compromising the the spirit of excellence you expect from a publisher. Publishing your manuscript as a bucket list item is as easy as 1-2-3, or our award winning team of writers, editors, illustrators, graphic artists, branding and marketing professionals can mold your outline into a published work destined for global best-selling status. Call us for your complimentary “Set up for Success” initial conversation.
Next Steps…
Let’s select the publishing package that’s right for you.
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